Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easy 2nd-Day Hair

Ok so I'm not going to pretend like this is super novel or complicated...but I just wanted to share a cute hair-style I did while we were on vacation. We were visiting the hubby's family and let me just say, they are early risers and we are...not so much. Therefore, I was trying to come up with ways to get ready faster while I was there so they weren't always waiting for me. This is a cute little thing I did really quick with 2nd-day-hair and my hubby actually noticed it was different than normal and complimented it so I thought I'd pass it along :)

Pretty basic: French braid starting right at the top hairline. When you get to where your hair is roughly half up, hold in place and set with bobby-pins. I ran my straightener through the bottom a few times to fix the squiggles where I slept and that was it! 10 minutes tops! 


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