Sunday, October 3, 2010

Bath Time is Bonding Time!

One great thing I've learned to appreciate about Ashton is how much he loves his baths! I know some babies love it while others absolutely hate it! I'm lucky enough that bath time for Ashton and I has become our calming part of the night. When he's cranky and tired, I like giving him a bath if he needs one because he gets so into it! While he screams when I strip him of his clothes and diaper, the second he hits that water, it's heaven and he goes into these sweet cooing noises. Something about the warm water just puts him in the best mood and gives us the opportunity to "chat." :)

This is the time where I make sure I talk to him alot because I know he's listening and I feel like it's a good time for him to develop more awareness of his senses. I've noticed that while he "chatters," he's looking around at everything and feeling the water with his hands. It's really special to get to watch him discover new things and enjoy something so simple that stimulates his senses.

After his bath, he usually cries for those 3 seconds when I transport him from the tub to his towel and then I lotion him up! I lay him on our bed covered in his towel, give him his pacifier, and talk to him while I lotion him. His favorite part is when I get to his feet - he gets a little baby foot massage! I just go up and down the bottom of his feet with my thumb and he LOVES it! He flexes and curls his feet every time I go up and down them and just keeps making his happy noises. It is so sweet! After all that, he gets his diaper and his jammies and he's a happy camper! It almost always soothes him if he's in a bad mood (I know, you can't imagine that, right??! lol!)

While I always thought giving a baby a bath was going to kind of be just one of those extra things in your day you HAVE to do that takes up time, I've quickly learned to enjoy it and even look forward to it on some days! I know Jordan is looking forward to the time when Ashton takes his baths in the big tub with a ton of toys and plays and splashes but for now, I'm enjoying the bonding time we get for these little one-on-one baths. :)

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